Questions? +91-120-4370324

  • First Slide

Our Courses

We are very happy to introduce many dynamic courses which includes many new and great features we are happy to ...

  • Better designed programs for you
  • Online Availability to sources
  • Helping Board in your learning management
Find out More!

Our Teachers

We have got some best teachers available in town who can help you to polish your skills as much as you can ...

  • Better designed programs for you
  • Online Availability to sources
  • Helping Board in your learning management
Meet Our Teachers!

Admission Proccess

We are happy to tell you that we are accepting new addmissions for new batch so dont delay get enrolled asap ...

  • Find a course best suits your skills
  • Attent the seminar related to that course
  • Helping Board in your learning management
Get Enrolled!
Education Background

Welcome to Anekant Pharmacy!

We are eager to give you best Education and style.

The Trust was established in 2015 mainely to promote education by making new educational institutions and improve the existing Educational institutions. The endeavour of the trust is to open and give new dimensions to the education system for the overall development of the children in the fast changing global scenario. More Particularly education for the need of rural peoples.

In future specially with respect to next two years besides other social activities as per the objectives, the trustees have the objective to establish educational institutions, give financial help, aid, Scholarships, prizes, stipends to the needy students and to implement the policy of government as regard admission norms to poor & rural students.

Meet Our Teachers!

Our Teachers

Some Special Teachers From the Industry!

Beenu Rastogi

Highly Educated Punjab University Professor

Anjli Tomer

Highly Educated Punjab University Professor

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +91-120-4370324